So, What Is It?

Cacao brings natural stress relief, because it contains potassium, Phosphorous, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium which contribute to cardiovascular health. Cacao can trigger the release of dopamine and endorphins, both of which chemical.
Pure cacao also contains a significant amount of chromium, which balances blood sugar levels. It increases the blood flow to the brain, creating more mental agility, awareness, and focus. Historically cacao was considered a very powerful aphrodisiac, exotic food, and medicine.
Our Cacao Ceremonies:
We sip cacao in silence whilst I burn some sage or Palo Santo whilst giving gratitude to the people who grew, harvested, and brought it to us. We open to the magical benefits whilst thinking of our intentions, keeping them in mind as we drink.
Cacao can make you feel energised, creative, and open-hearted. We think it is the perfect prelude to a sound bath and we bring cacao into sessions on moon days when the moon is new or full and into our private retreats and corporate events.
If you would like to make this love potion at home our recipe is as follows:
(For 2 people to share)
One large mug of Rude Health Organic Coconut milk
2 tsp cinnamon
3 heaped tbsp organic ceremonial cacao chopped from the block
3 tbsp organic coconut sugar
Key Steps:
Heat gently in a pan and add 3 drops of organic rose essential oil.
Add a pinch of edible rose petals.
Breathe in the fragrance.
Drink with love and gratitude.
With love,